About Us


The Puckree Group (Pty) Ltd and its Silver Meadow Trading (Pty) Ltd are both 100% BEE coal focussed companies, focussing primarily on mining, exploration and development activities in the coal resource sector.

Since 2003, the Puckree Group has proudly achieved an impeccable health and safety record, with ZERO lost time injuries. We have successfully mined and rehabilitated the Umlilo and Umlilo Extension mines and we are currently mining Witrand and Bultfontein mines. In addition, we have acquired a number of new order prospecting rights which are at various stages of development.

The Group has built up an attractive pipeline of South African coal assets with a balanced mix of projects in the production and exploration phase. Most of these properties are situated in the Mpumalanga area, which generates 70% of South Africa’s coal fired power.

We have a strong competent team of professionals, who understand the South African mining landscape and we are proudly South African.